A Meal Plan sets the pace for your eating, spending, and proper planning. The reason most of us choose to eat and feed our families the wrong stuff is because of failing to plan.
Why should you make a meal plan? If you think meal planning is a waste of time, consider these four reasons why it’s the complete opposite – plus a slew of other advantages.
1. Meal planning helps you save money.
Yes, planning meals ahead of time actually saves money! Because people who shop and prepare without a plan are more likely to toss away leftovers and expired food. Or one sometimes has no option but to have take-out or food deliveries because one no longer has time to prepare in the evening.
All of this costs a lot of money, including food waste, ready meals, going out, and having meals delivered.
2. Meal planning allows you to save time.
Don’t worry; as you see the benefits of meal planning, the time you spend planning your meals will be rapidly recouped. You’ll know exactly what you need to buy if you develop a weekly meal plan. You’ll spend less time shopping and waiting in lines at the checkout, or having to pass by mama mboga or the supermarket every day.
3. You eat more healthily.
Meal planners consume a more balanced and healthier diet. You should absolutely start formulating a tactical strategy if you want to eat a balanced diet and no longer desire to buy lousy food in the supermarket or restaurants out of hunger.
You will quickly realize that you can reach your health goals with little effort because you consume exactly what your body needs to lose weight, gain muscle, or achieve any other fitness goal you’ve set for yourself.
4. You take care of the environment.
Planning your meals and shopping list, as described in the first step, results in much fewer leftovers and food waste, and food waste is one of the leading causes of climate change because it produces methane, a greenhouse gas that is about 30 times more detrimental to the environment than CO2. As a result, when you plan meals and reduce food waste, you are helping the environment.
In conclusion
Take the time to plan your meals properly and do something nice for yourself, your body, money, and the environment. If you require assistance, we recommend our favorite Nutritionist, Nutrition by Nthenya(IG). We also post a meal plan every week on our social media pages for your guidance.
Finally, once you have your meal plan, jot down a grocery list, and that is where we come in. We deliver groceries right to your Doorstep in Nairobi and its environs.